Daniel Glover

Ms. Ana Papic
GAC Director of Studies
Teacher of Study Skills for Independent Learning
Dongguan Hanlin Experimental School

"I am from Croatia and have been in education for 20 years. I joined the GAC team at Dongguan Hanlin Experimental School in early 2022.

I perceive the GAC program as an invaluable pathway, a steppingstone that guides our students towards a future of living and studying abroad. The GAC program is not just a curriculum; it’s a journey that equips our students with essential tools for success in their future universities. The program fosters independence, hones critical thinking, academic writing and computer literacy, while refining life skills such as public speaking, effective communication, planning and time management.

As educators, we understand the importance of preparing our students not just academically, but also emotionally and practically. The program serves as a compass for their future university experience. It provides them with a clear understanding of what lies ahead, and this is its true value.

My team and I strive to provide our students with maximum academic and emotional support thus giving them a greater fighting chance and providing them with the necessary tools to navigate an international landscape.

I truly love the fact that we are helping them open the doors to limitless possibilities."